

1. Where can I get information about vacancies in CTC Holding?

All vacancies are available at vacancies page. You can search for a vacancy according to your functional area or experience.


2. What should I do if I can't find a vacancy that matches my profile?

You can apply for future vacancies (s) by visiting CV Form page and selecting the "Apply for Future Vacancies" button.


3. Do you have part-time vacancies?

Information on the fact that the vacancy is part-time can be found in the description of the relevant vacancy.


4. Do you accept CV by e-mail?

According to CTC Holding's internal Recruitment Procedure, all candidates must apply for vacancies at CV Form page.


5. How can I check if my application is accepted?

Each time you apply for a new vacancy, you will immediately receive a confirmation email that your application has been accepted.


6. I did not receive the relevant confirmation letter when applying for the vacancy. What should I do?

If you have not received the appropriate confirmation letter of your application for the vacancy, it is recommended that you take the following steps:

1. Make sure you enter your email address correctly when applying for the vacancy;

2. Check that folder, taking into account the possibility that the relevant confirmation letter will fall into the "Junk email" folder;

3. When uploading an image, make sure the file meets the specified requirements.


7. Where should I apply if there is a technical problem when filling out the Job Application Form?

You can write your name, surname, contact number and detailed explanation of the problem to


8. Do I need to fill out a new application form every time I want to apply for a new vacancy?

You do not need to submit a new application every time. You can apply for another vacancy via the link of the Job Application Form (sent to the e-mail address when registering on the website).


9. If I am interested in more than one vacancy, can I apply for more than one?

Yes, please apply for all the vacancies you are interested in according to your experience and job requirements.


10. How many stages does the recruitment process consist of?

Depending on the position, the number of stages of the recruitment process can vary from 2 to 5.


11. When will the results of the interview be announced?

Usually within 10 working days after the interview date, the candidate is informed about the result by e-mail or phone call. If this period is extended, the candidate will be contacted in advance and the reason for the delay will be explained.


12. Is there a need to take an additional exam after the interview?

Depending on the position, a test phase can be arranged before or after the interview. You will be notified in advance.